Research Article

Self-Reported Low Vitality, Poor Mental Health, and Low Dietary Restraint Are Associated with Overperception of Physical Exertion

Table 1

Characteristics of the study population.

VariableMean ± SD

Ethnicity49.2% European American
Age (years)34.94±6.21
BMI (kg/m2)23.85±1.01
Walk 4.84 km/h RPE9.04 ± 1.89 (45.2% of max)
Walk 4.84 km/h composite physiological exertion (Z-scores)0.01 ± 0.79 (49.4% of max)
Walk 4.84 km/h accuracy of perceived exertion (Z-scores)-0.06 ± 1.18 (range: -3.1 to 2.4)
V̇O2max33.04 ± 4.99
Physical function96.71 ± 10.08%
Vitality66.25 ± 16.62%
Mental health82.69 ± 12.09%
Beck depression inventory3.68 ± 3.92
Weight locus of control6.90 ± 2.52
Cognitive restraint19.79 ± 3.03
Uncontrolled eating27.92 ± 4.37
Emotional eating8.35 ± 2.47
Dietary self-efficacy6.76 ± 1.47