Research Article

Suspected Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Is Not Associated with Vitamin D Status in Adolescents after Adjustment for Obesity

Table 1

Demographic and selected physical features and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease—NHANES 2001–2004: age 12–19*.

𝑁 (unweighted)NAFLD ( A L T 3 0 ), % 𝑃 value

 12–15 y7996.82
 16–19 y8319.88


 Non-Hispanic White4498.23
 Non-Hispanic Black5556.01
 Mexican American51511.63
 Other Hispanics5411.13
 Other Races575.77

 Normal weight10353.25

Waist circumference above 90 percentile.003


25(OH)D quartile.05
 I (≤19 ng/mL)68612.31
 II (19 ng/mL < serum[OH]D ≤ 25 ng/mL)4526.91
 III (25 ng/mL < serum[OH]D ≤31 ng/mL)2976.81
 IV (≥31 ng/mL)1957.14

* A L T and 25(OH)D values were available for 1630 individuals, and so each comparison has 1630 subjects, except as regards the analyses comparing poverty versus no-poverty status as information regarding income was missing for 70 individuals 𝑃 . 0 5 .