Research Article

Adolescent Weight Status and Self-Reported School Performance in South Korea

Table 3

Ordered probit regression analysis of self-reported school performance.

Middle schoolGeneral highVocational highMiddle schoolGeneral highVocational high

Panel A: Neither body image stress included
Weight status (ref.: Normal weight)

Panel B: Body image stress included
Weight status (ref.: Normal weight)
Body image stress0.01−0.09**−0.06*−0.10**−0.21**−0.08**

Panel C: Health status included
Weight status (ref.: Normal weight)
Health status (ref.: Excellent)
 Very poor−0.13−0.23*−0.37*−0.52**−0.26*−0.18

Panel D: Both body image stress and health status included
Weight status (ref.: Normal weight)
Body image stress0.02−0.09**−0.06*−0.10**−0.21**−0.08**
Health status (ref.: Excellent)
 Very poor−0.14−0.23*−0.37*−0.52**−0.27*−0.18

Notes: Values for the dependent variable increase with better self-reported school performance: from Low, Mid-low, Middle, Mid-high to High. Coefficients are shown. ** , * . Panel D full model results are estimates from Table 2. Covariates include father’s and mother’s education, household economic status, number of cars at home, having no bedroom for the student, number of computers at home, residence area type, school level, and survey year.