Research Article

Predictors of Psychological Well-Being during Behavioral Obesity Treatment in Women

Table 1

Self-determination theory variables correlation with HRQOL and psychological well-being (at 12 months).

PCS HRQOLMCS HRQOLObesity specific HRQOLSelf-EsteemDepressionAnxietyz-score  well-being
rrr r r r rr partial

Self-determination    0.2     0.3     0.1     0.2 −0.1 −0.3     0.3     0.3
Perceived need support    0.1     0.1     0.2     0.1 −0.1 −0.2     0.2     0.2
Treatment controlled self-regulation−0.1 −0.09−0.2 −0.1     0.11    0.2 −0.2 −0.2
Treatment autonomous self-regulation    0.2     0.12    0.2     0.12−0.1 −0.2     0.2     0.1
Exercise controlled self-regulation    0.01−0.01−0.07−0.12    0.08    0.09−0.06−0.11
Exercise autonomous self-regulation    0.2     0.2     0.2     0.1 −0.11−0.1     0.3     0.2

r: Person’s correlation coefficient; , , ; r partial: partial correlation coefficient adjusting for group; PCS: physical component summary; MCS: mental component summary; z-score was computed as mean value of all HRQOL and psychological well-being z-scores.