Clinical Study

Poor Perception of Body Weight Category amongst the Overweight and Obese with Chronic Hepatitis C: A Target for Intervention

Table 1

Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients answering baseline questionnaire.

CharacteristicMeasured BMI category
Normal (37%)Overweight (45%)Obese

BMI (kg/m2)22.2 ± 1.927.2 ± 1.433.6 ± 3.9
Demographic characteristics
 Age (years)51.4 ± 11.853.5 ± 10.953.0 ± 9.8
 Gender (male)53 (52%)83 (67%)30 (62%)
  Caucasian74 (73%)88 (72%)34 (70%)
  East/South-East Asian15 (15%)7 (6%)1 (2%)
  South Asian3 (3%)13 (10%)6 (13%)
  Other9 (9%)15 (12%)7 (15%)
 Canadian born54 (53%)64 (52%)31 (65%)
 Area of residence (urban)77 (76%)87 (70%)28 (58%)
 Years of education13.1 ± 3.6412.8 ± 4.011.7 ± 3.4
 Employment (employed)51 (51%)70 (56%)17 (35%)

Clinical Characteristics
 Treatment status
  Naïve57 (56%)53 (43%)17 (35%)
  Nonresponder/relapser27 (27%)36 (29%)19 (40%)
  SVR9 (9%)25 (20%)8 (17%)
  On treatment3 (3%)5 (4%)3 (6%)
  Spontaneous clearance (untreated)4 (4%)5 (4%)1 (2%)
 HCV RNA positive88 (87%)94 (76%)39 (81%)
 Cirrhosis31 (31%)54 (44%)25 (52%)
 Diabetes6 (6%)14 (11%)6 (12%)
 Hypertension16 (16%)30 (24%)13 (27%)
 Hyperlipidemia6 (6%)11 (9%)5 (10%)
 Cardiovascular disease4 (4%)4 (3%)3 (6%)
 Any metabolic disease24 (24%)41 (33%)19 (40%)

Results are expressed as mean ± standard deviation or (%) where appropriate.