Clinical Study

Poor Perception of Body Weight Category amongst the Overweight and Obese with Chronic Hepatitis C: A Target for Intervention

Table 2

Survey responses—measured BMI category versus perceived body weight category.

Measured BMI category
UnderweightNormal (37%)Overweight (45%)Obese

Underweight0 (0%)21 (21%)2 (2%)0 (0%)
Considering your current weight,About right (normal)0 (0%)69 (68%)47 (38%)7 (14.5%)
how would you classify yourself?Overweight0 (0%)11 (11%)74 (60%)30 (62.5%)
Very overweight (obese)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)11 (23%)

Cases in bold represent numbers (%) of respondents who underestimated their BMI category. , 95%  CI 0.231–0.399.