Research Article

Maternal and Early Childhood Risk Factors for Overweight and Obesity among Low-Income Predominantly Black Children at Age Five Years: A Prospective Cohort Study

Table 3

Multivariable model showing adjusted risk ratio for maternal and early childhood determinants of obesity (≥95th percentile) at the age of 5 in Alabama .

VariablesAdjusted RR* (95% CI)

Maternal prepregnancy BMI
 Normal and low (<24.9)1.00
 Overweight (25–29.9)2.3 (1.29–4.11)0.005
 Obese (>30)2.53 (1.49–4.31)<0.001
Birth weight (Kg)
 ≤85th percentile 1.00
 >85th percentile2.04 (1.13–3.68)0.018
Number of children at home
 ≤2 (<median)1.64 (1.01–2.64)0.043
 >2 (≥median)1.00
 Female1.67 (1.05–2.66)0.031
Smoking during 1st trimester
 0 cigarette 1.00
 1–12 cigarette (61–85th percentile)1.42 (0.88–2.3)0.152
 ≥13 cigarette (>85th percentile)0.53 (0.22–1.27)0.154

CI: confidence interval.
*Adjusted risk ratio computed using poisson regression model with robust variance estimation.
Based on gestational age and race specific birth weight percentiles for US population.
Cigarettes smoked per day.