Research Article

Black-White Disparities in Overweight and Obesity Trends by Educational Attainment in the United States, 1997–2008

Table 2

Slope differences for BMI and survey year between Blacks compared to Whites among men and women, overall and by educational attainment, 1997–2008.

β coefficient, unadjusted95% confidence interval valueβ coefficient, adjusted95% confidence interval value

 <HS (−0.20641–−0.01457)0.02 (−0.21388–−0.02291)0.02
 HS (−0.11559–0.00399)0.07 (−0.10294–0.01287)0.13
 >HS (−0.06770–0.04205)0.65 (−0.06803–0.04169)0.64
 Combined education0.00020(0.00012–0.00027)<0.0010.00030(0.00023–0.00037)<0.001
 <HS (−0.13259–0.09085)0.71 (−0.14755–0.07082)0.49
 HS (−0.06656–0.05762)0.89 (−0.06251–0.06162)0.99
 >HS (−0.03016–0.06961)0.44 (−0.04473–0.05174)0.89
 Combined education (−0.00044–−0.00029)<0.001 (−0.00010–0.00004)0.44

β: beta; <HS: less than high school, HS: high school, >HS: greater than high school.
Adjusted model: age (4 categories), marital status, smoking status, leisure-time physical activity, alcohol consumption, poor income, region of country, and self-reported general health status; values represent sex-specific slope differences between Blacks and Whites by education level from linear regression models; combined interaction term race, education and survey year.