Clinical Study

School-Based Health Center Intervention Improves Body Mass Index in Overweight and Obese Adolescents

Table 2

Characteristics of the ACTION and standard care groups at baseline.


Standard care


 Asian 4 (14%) 1 (4%)0.10
 Hispanic21 (75%) 14 (61%)
 Native American0 (0%)3 (13%)
 Multiple3 (11%)5 (22%)
 Female17 (61%)13 (57%)0.78
 Male11 (39%)10 (43%)
Family history of diabetes
 No 9 (32%)12 (52%)0.43
 Yes17 (61%)10 (43%)
 Don’t know2 (7%)1 (4%)
Family history hyperlipidemia
 No 9 (32%)9 (39%)0.88
 Yes12 (43%) 10 (43%)
 Don’t know 7 (25%)4 (17%)
Caregiver years of education
 0–6 3 (11%) 2 (9%)0.99
 7–11 8 (29%)8 (35%)
 12 (high school graduate) 6 (21%)5 (22%)
 13–15 7 (25%)6 (26%)
 16 or more 4 (14%)2 (9%)
Caregiver preferred language
 Spanish10 (36%)10 (43%)0.11
 English13 (46%)12 (52%)
 English and Spanish 5 (18%)0 (0%)
 English and other0 (0%)1 (4%)
Metabolic syndrome componentsa
 Large waist circumference
 (Men: ≥102 cm; Women: ≥88 cm)
2 (7%) 3 (13%)0.65
 High blood pressure
 (Systolic ≥130 and/or diastolic ≥85 mm Hg)
0 (0%)0 (0%)
 Low HDL cholesterol
 (Men: <40 mg/dL; Women: <50 mg/dL)
5 (18%) 6 (26%)0.51
 Elevated triglycerides
 (≥150 mg/dL)
8 (29%) 6 (26%)1.00
 Elevated fasting blood glucose
 (≥100 mg/dL)
0 (0%)0 (0%)
Stages of change
 Precontemplation0 (0%) 3 (13%)0.22
 Contemplation 4 (14%)1 (4%)
 Action16 (57%)13 (57%)
 Maintenance 8 (29%) 6 (26%)

Defined by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.