Clinical Study

An Adaptive CBPR Approach to Create Weight Management Materials for a School-Based Health Center Intervention

Table 3

Key informant themes and resulting intervention strategies.

ThemeResulting Strategies

Media useInclude healthy weight and physical activity web sites in DVD and provider toolkit

“Functional” definition of health(i) Include “real kids” (overweight/obese and non-overweight/obese) in DVD
(ii) Documentary-style interviews with adolescents discussing their reasons for eating healthier and being physically active in DVD

Barriers to weight loss in schools(i) Add practical nutritional information in DVD and toolkit that match food offerings in schools to facilitate better nutritional choices
(ii) Food displays in clinic to facilitate discussions on how to choose healthier options

Strategies to achieve weight loss(i) Promote emphasis of weight loss as consistent with personal, internal sources of motivation
(ii) Incorporate brief instructional segments in DVD consistent with adolescent interests (e.g., dance, kickboxing, strength/resistance training)

Parent views on changing home environment(i) Create mechanism for communication between health care provider and parents to provide regular updates and reinforce ACTION themes
(ii) Distribute parent newsletter and healthful recipes

Input on DVD contentEnsure that DVD featured three sections: (1) adolescent motivation for change; (2) strategies targeting energy balance and nutritional quality; and (3) physical aerobic dance and strength/resistance training segments