Research Article

FTO Gene Associates and Interacts with Obesity Risk, Physical Activity, Energy Intake, and Time Spent Sitting: Pilot Study in a Nigerian Population

Figure 1

Multiple mediation models of the relationship between FTO rs9939609, TPA, energy intake, TSS, and BMI. (TPA, energy intake, and TSS are mediators). Standardized coefficients are presented and tested for significance with 95% confidence intervals calculated using the bias-corrected bootstrap method (5000 samples). a = standardized IV to Med coefficient, b = standardized Med to DV coefficient, c = standardized total effect (IV to DV), and c1 = specific indirect effect (indirect path).  ;  . BMI: body mass index, TPA: total physical activity, TSS: time spent sitting, IV: independent variable, DV: dependent variable, and Med: mediator.