Research Article

The Association between Antihypertensive Medication Use and Blood Pressure Is Influenced by Obesity

Table 2

Blood pressure differences between users and nonusers of individuals on antihypertensive monotherapy by BMI category.

Normal weightOverweightObesity
Sample size N (%)BP diff (mmHg)Sample size N (%)BP diff (mmHg)Sample size N (%)BP diff (mmHg)

SBP (mmHg)
ACE inhibitors305 (17.8)M: −16 (1)
W: −7 (1)
548 (35.4)M: −11 (1)
W: −14 (1)
648 (46.8)M: −12 (1)
W: −15 (1)
Β-blockers252 (24.1)−16 (1)408 (38.6)−10 (1)383 (37.3)−11 (1)
Diuretics178 (19.3)−16 (1)267 (31.6)−14 (1)408 (49.1)−14 (1)
CCB189 (24.1)−11 (1)284 (34.2)−11 (1)291 (41.7)−6 (1)
ARB103 (17.9)M: −15 (1)
W: −12 (1)
179 (34.1)M: −14 (1)
W: −14 (1)
245 (48.0)M: −12 (1)
W: −15 (1)
Others47 (27.8)−20 (1)73 (36.4)−20 (1)57 (35.8)−17 (1)

DBP (mmHg)
ACE inhibitors305 (17.8)M: −8 (1)
W: −2 (1)
548 (35.4)M: −7 (1)
W: −4 (1)
648 (46.8)M: −6 (1)
W: −7 (1)
β-blockers252 (24.1)−7 (1)408 (38.6)−4 (1)383 (37.3)−5 (1)
Diuretics178 (19.3)−4 (1)267 (31.6)−5 (1)408 (49.1)−6 (1)
CCB189 (24.1)−7 (1)284 (34.2)−7 (1)291 (41.7)−4 (1)
ARB103 (17.9)M: −4 (1)
W: −4 (1)
179 (34.1)M: −7 (1)
W: −3 (1)
245 (48.0)M: −8 (1)
W: −7 (1)
Others47 (27.8)−10 (1)73 (36.4)−10 (1)57 (35.8)−8 (1)

Data presented as mean difference with standard error (SE), estimates weighted to represent the US population. Means are adjusted for age, gender, ethnicity, health insurance status, smoking status, physical activity, and education. ACE = angiotensin-converting enzyme; CCB = calcium channel blocker; ARB = angiotensin receptor blocker; SBP = systolic blood pressure; DBP = diastolic blood pressure; BMI = body mass index; normal weight = 18.5 kg/m2 < BMI < 25 kg/m2; overweight = 25 kg/m2 ≤ BMI < 30 kg/m2; obesity = BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2; M = men; W = women.  Significantly different from normal weight (); significantly different from overweight ().