Research Article

Obesity Is Associated with Early Onset of Gastrointestinal Cancers in California

Table 2

Cancer diagnosis age by cancer type.

Cancer typeā€‰NonobeseObeseMorbidly obese

EsophagealDiagnosis age, mean (SD)68.9 (12.2)63.7 (11.0a)61.8 (11.2)
Early onset, no. (%)552 (6.2%)28 (9.8%)15 (16.5%)
PancreaticDiagnosis age, mean (SD)70.6 (12.8)66.3 (11.7a)62.5 (11.8b)
Early onset, no. (%)1,632 (6.1%)79 (8.4%)32 (11.6%)
ColorectalDiagnosis age, mean (SD)69.2 (14.0)65.3 (11.9a)62.6 (11.6b)
Early onset, no. (%)9,722 (9.4%)585 (9.2%)266 (12.4%)
GastricDiagnosis age, mean (SD)68.5 (14.5)65.2 (12.4a)63.0 (11.9b)
Early onset, no. (%)2,197 (11.3%)88 (11.6%)36 (16.1%)
All four cancersDiagnosis age, mean (SD)69.3 (13.8)65.4 (11.9a)62.6 (11.6b)
Early onset, no. (%)24,550 (8.3%)1,322 (9.7%)615 (13.9%)

aDenotes statistically significant difference between obese and nonobese diagnosis age (). bDenotes statistically significant difference between morbidly obese and obese diagnosis age ().