Research Article

The First Step of Health Policy-Making for Lifestyle Modifications at Middle Age: Problem Identification in 40- to 60-Year-Old Population, Northern Iran

Table 1

Basic descriptive characteristics of the participants.

VariablesAge groupsTotal (), n (%) value
40–49 years (), n (%)50–60 years (), n (%)

Education level
Less than diploma88 (60.7)89 (57.1)177 (58.8)0.408
Diploma37 (25.5)50 (32.1)87 (28.9)
Higher than diploma20 (13.8)17 (10.9)37 (12.3)

Shopkeepers7 (4.8)5 (3.2)12 (4.0)0.047
Housewives72 (49.7)63 (40.4)135 (44.9)
Employees18 (12.4)31 (19.9)49 (16.3)
Others48 (33.1)57 (36.5)105 (34.9)

Marital status
Married140 (96.6)146 (93.6)286 (95.0)0.066
Single, divorced, or widowed5 (3.4)10 (6.4)15 (5.0)

Living region
Urban142 (97.9)150 (96.2)292 (97.0)0.288
Rural3 (2.1)6 (3.8)9 (3.0)

Past medical history of physical disorders
No118 (81.4)117 (75.0)235 (78.1)0.181
Yes27 (18.6)39 (25.0)66 (21.9)

Past medical history of mental disorders
No142 (97.9)146 (93.6)288 (95.7)0.064
Yes3 (2.1)10 (6.4)13 (4.3)