Research Article

The Association of Pension Income with the Incidence of Type I Obesity among Retired Israelis

Figure 6

Relationship between projected probability of obesity (BMI ≥ 30) and annual gross income from a pension among females above 67 years. Note. The figure describes the projected probability obtained from the probit model, where the dependent variable is BMI30 and the independent variable is INCPENS, the annual gross monetary income from pensions measured in NIS, which refers to the 40.1% (59.9%) of the 921 female respondents above 67 years who got pension (without pension). For the female group, the Pearson correlation between BMI30 and INCPENS (−13.55%) is negative and different from zero correlation (). In contrast, the null hypothesis of zero correlation between BMI30 and INCPENS cannot be rejected for the 850 male respondents ().