Research Article

The Association of Pension Income with the Incidence of Type I Obesity among Retired Israelis

Table 8

Descriptive statistics of 2015-2016 panel for men after retirement.


WeightWeight in kg with light clothing and without shoes85080(13.5)
HeightHeight in meters without shoes850171(6.9)
BMI251 = BMI ≥ 25; 0 = BMI < 2585065%(47.6%)
BMI301 = BMI ≥ 30; 0 = BMI < 3085022%(41.1%)
BMI351 = BMI ≥ 35; 0 = BMI < 358505%(20.7%)
GET_PENSION1 = receives pension; 0 = otherwise85038%(48.6%)
INCPENS > 0Household’s annual gross monetary income from pensions in NIS for men who are either the respondent or spouse in the household32397,218(102,324.0)
Owner1 = own an apartment; 0 = otherwise85073%(44.3%)
Books1 = At least one book at the home library; 0 = no books at the home library85098%(14.0%)
Car1 = own a car; 0 = otherwise85065%(47.7%)
AgeAge in years85075(4.5)
Academic1 = Formal academic education with BA, MA or Ph.D. diploma; 0 = otherwise85034%(47.4%)
HHSIZENumber of persons in household8502(1.1)
Single1 = Single; 0 = otherwise8502%(13.6%)
Married1 = Married; 0 = otherwise85075%(43.3%)
Divorced1 = Divorced; 0 = otherwise8508%(27.7%)
Widow1 = Widow; 0 = otherwise85015%(35.4%)
Immigrant1 = Immigrant; 0 = otherwise8500.696(46.0%)
IMM_EUROPE_AMERICA1 = Immigrant from European or American countries; 0 = otherwise85047%(49.9%)
IMM_ASIA_AFRICA1 = Immigrant from Asian or African countries; 0 = otherwise85023%(41.8%)
IMM_EUROPE_AMERICA_PER1 = Immigrant from European or American countries only for the group of immigrants; 0 = otherwise59268%(46.9%)
OVERALL_HEALTH1 = Self-reporting of good overall health conditions; 0 = otherwise85055%(49.8%)

Note. The sample includes panel of 921 (850) females × years (males × years) belonging to 507 (466) households, where the age of female (male) members were restricted to be above 67 years, participating in the 2015-2016 longitudinal survey carried out by the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics. The lower age bound is based on the retirement age from the workforce, which is 67 years for males. NIS is the local Israeli currency, where 1 NIS roughly equals $0.25. Standard deviations are given in parentheses.