Research Article

The Association between Unhealthy Food Consumption and Impaired Glucose Metabolism among Adults with Overweight or Obesity: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Indonesian Population

Table 1

Characteristics of the study participants (n = 8752).

CharacteristicsIFG (n = 1452)IGT (n = 2243)CGI (n = 1215)NGR (n = 3842)

Obesity, n (%)1027 (16.6)1666 (26.9)934 (15.1)2577 (41.5)
Overweight, n (%)425 (16.7)577 (22.6)281 (11.0)1265 (49.6)

Middle age, n (%)938 (18.5)1335 (26.3)867 (17.1)1929 (38.1)
Young, n (%)514 (14.0)908 (24.7)348 (9.4)1913 (51.9)

Male, n (%)497 (21.1)454 (19.2)300 (12.7)1109 (47.0)
Female, n (%)955 (14.9)1789 (28.0)915 (14.3)2733 (42.8)

Living area
Urban, n (%)772 (16.8)1063 (23.1)648 (14.1)2124 (46.1)
Rural, n (%)680 (16.4)1180 (28.5)567 (13.7)1718 (41.4)

Sweet foods
Frequent, n (%)509 (17.3)682 (23.2)446 (15.2)1303 (44.3)
Rare, n (%)943 (16.2)1561 (26.9)769 (13.2)2539 (43.7)

Salty foods
Frequent, n (%)476 (16.3)723 (24.8)405 (13.9)1317 (45.1)
Rare, n (%)976 (16.7)1520 (26.1)810 (13.9)2525 (43.3)

High-fat foods
Frequent, n (%)693 (16.2)1136 (26.6)614 (14.4)1831 (42.8)
Rare, n (%)759 (16.9)1107 (24.7)601 (13.4)2011 (44.9)

Grilled foods
Frequent, n (%)60 (21.1)63 (22.1)45 (15.8)117 (41.1)
Rare, n (%)1392 (16.4)2180 (25.7)1170 (13.8)3725 (44.0)

Processed foods
Frequent, n (%)48 (22.0)45 (20.6)43 (19.7)82 (37.6)
Rare, n (%)1404 (16.5)2198 (25.8)1172 (13.7)3760 (44.1)

Fruits and vegetables
Deficient, n (%)1340 (16.8)2025 (25.4)1113 (13.9)3504 (43.9)
Sufficient, n (%)112 (14.5)218 (28.3)102 (13.2)338 (43.9)

Physical activities
Deficient, n (%)207 (19.9)232 (22.3)133 (12.8)470 (45.1)
Sufficient, n (%)1245 (16.1)2011 (26.1)1082 (14.0)3372 (43.7)

IFG, impaired fasting glucose; IGT, impaired glucose tolerance; CGI, combined glucose impairment; NGR, normal glucose regulation; BMI, body mass index; MET, metabolic equivalent of task; frequent, ≥1x/day; rare, <1x/day; deficient, <5 potion/day or <150 minutes/week; sufficient, ≥5 portion/day or >150 minutes/week.