Research Article

Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Two Years after the Start of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed Methods Study

Table 1

Areas explored in the focus groups.

AreasQuestion asked

KnowledgeWhat are the preventive measures to deal with COVID-19?
And of these, which do you think are the most effective?

AttitudesWhat is your opinion about information and communication media?
Which of them do you trust more?
What is your opinion about the COVID-19 vaccine? What are the reasons of the population for vaccination or not vaccination?
How do you assess the impact of the pandemic at the emotional and/or with respect to mental health?
What feelings or emotions has COVID-19 generated?
Do you think the feelings or emotions at the start of the pandemic are the same as today?
Have you overcome these feelings? Or are they still there? To what degree?
Do you think the pandemic has provided some positive elements?

PracticesDue to the pandemic, how has your lifestyle changed?