Research Article

The Relationship between Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Erectile Dysfunction

Table 2

Erectile function in AMD and control group according to BMI.

IIEF-EF domainAMD group no. (%)Control group no. (%)

Severe ED9 (40.9)33 (62.3)*8 (53.3)10 (21.2)12 (27.9)*9 (60)
Moderate ED6 (27.3)13 (24.5)1 (6.7)8 (17.1)6 (14.0)3 (20)
Mild ED6 (27.3)4 (7.5)5 (33.3)11 (23.4)8 (18.6)1 (6.7)
No ED1 (4.5)3 (5.7)1 (6.7)18 (38.3)17 (39.5)2 (13.3)

Total22 (100)53 (100)15 (100)47 (100)43 (100)15 (100)

BMI: body mass index, ED: erectile dysfunction, AMD: age-related macular degeneration.
Percentages are shown in parantheses.
*,†In AMD overweight subgroup it could be seen that subjects who have severe and moderate ED are more than those in control overweight subgroup.
In control group, independently of BMI values, more subjects who do not have ED could be seen.