Review Article

Lgr4 in Ocular Development and Glaucoma

Figure 2

Temporal and spatial expression of Lgr4 in mouse eyes. (a) Expression of Lgr4 at embryonic day E12.5 using β-galactosidase staining in Lgr4 heterozygous (+/−) and wild-type control (+/+) mice. (b) Expression of Lgr4 at postnatal day 0 (P0). Scale bar = 170 μm. (c) Temporal expression of Lgr4 during different stages of anterior segment development. At E12.5 days, Lgr4-expressing mesenchymal cells are located between the surface ectoderm and the lens and the inner layer cells of the optic cup. At E16.5–E18.5, Lgr4 expression is high at the tips of the optic cup and in the surrounding mesenchymal tissue. In newborn embryos, Lgr4 is highly expressed in the iris stroma, ciliary body, corneal epithelium, keratocytes, and endoepithelial cells. Wild-type (+/+) mice lack expression of β-galactosidase. Scale bars = 170 μm. (d). Expression of Lgr4 in adult mouse tissue. Staining was found in lens epithelial cells, retinal ganglion cells, inner nuclear layer, iris stroma, and the outer layer of the ciliary body. C: cornea; I: iris; R: retina; L: lens; CB: ciliary body; G: ganglion cells; IN: inner nuclear layer; ON: outer nuclear layer. Scale bars = 85 μm. Originally published PNAS 105(16): 6081-6. Copyright 2008 National Academy of Sciences USA.