Clinical Study

Subthreshold Micropulse Photocoagulation for Persistent Macular Edema Secondary to Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion including Best-Corrected Visual Acuity Greater Than 20/40

Table 2

Summary of data from subjects who did and did not undergo additional SMDLP.

VariableTreatment group
No additional SMDLP Additional SMDLP

Eyes, 2111
Sex, (%)
 Male17 (81.0)7 (63.6)
 Female4 (19.0)4 (36.4)
Age, mean (SD), years68.48 (10.63)63.82 (7.25)
BCVA (SD), log MAR
 Baseline 0.4062 (0.3071)0.2297 (0.2108)
 1 month 0.3599 (0.3262)0.1839 (0.2255)
 3 months 0.3687 (0.3101)0.2281 (0.2308)
 6 months 0.3777 (0.3788)0.2132 (0.2255)
 12 months 0.3476 (0.3535)0.1939 (0.2390)
CMT (SD), m
 Baseline 393.524 (99.622)383.727 (89.608)
 1 month 369.809 (108.959)377.909 (97.217)
 3 months 313.857 (111.305)391.091 (84.911)
 6 months 267.095 (104.461)372.000 (80.554)
 12 months 266.240 (86.214)400.182 (79.328)
TMV (SD), mm3
 Baseline 8.1168 (0.7531)8.2109 (1.2705)
 1 month 8.0005 (0.6299)8.2080 (1.0580)
 3 months 7.8533 (0.6394)8.322 (1.0524)
 6 months 7.49 (0.3861)7.99 (0.8307)
 12 months 7.5547 (0.4610)7.9929 (0.5118)

BCVA: best-corrected visual acuity; BRVO: branch retinal vein occlusion; SMDLP: subthreshold micropulse diode laser photocoagulation; CMT: central macular thickness; TMV: total macular volume.