Research Article

Impaired Corneal Biomechanical Properties and the Prevalence of Keratoconus in Mitral Valve Prolapse

Table 2

Corneal biomechanical properties of the patients and the control groups.

VariablesMVP group ( : 52)KC group ( : 39)Control group ( : 45) valuea valueb valuec

CH, mmHg 0.0060.0010.001
CRF, mmHg 0.0090.0010.001
IOPg, mmHg 0.0670.0010.001
IOPcc, mmHg 0.380.0480.001

Student’s -test, MVP-control group, bStudent’s -test, MVP-KC group, cStudent’s -test, KC-control group, MVP: mitral valve prolapse, KC: keratoconus, CH: corneal hysteresis, CRF: corneal resistance factor, IOPg: Goldmann-related intraocular pressure, IOPcc: cornea compensated intraocular pressure.