Clinical Study

Consecutive Macular Edema and Visual Outcome in Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion

Table 3

Demographic data for each group.

IVBIVTA -value

Number of eyes332621
Gainer : nongainer ( )23 : 1014 : 128 : 13
Mean patient age (years)* 0.487
Gender (M : F)18 : 1511 : 158 : 130.153
Baseline V/A (LogMAR)* 0.248
Baseline CMT ( m)* 0.321
Duration of F/U (months)* 0.481
Number of injections* 0.165

Mean ± SD; IVB: intravitreal bevacizumab; IVTA: intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide; F/U: follow-up.