Research Article

Salient Distractors Can Induce Saccade Adaptation

Figure 2

(a) Saccade gain data of subject S1 during Experiment 1 in which distractors consisted of salient images. Gain decreased gradually in the adapt-down condition (Experiment 1(a), closed circles, black curves) and displayed a significant decrease in gain of the postadaptation phase from the preadaptation phase. The adapt-up condition did not demonstrate any significant change (Experiment 1(b), open circles, gray curves). (b) Percentage adaptation (calculated as the difference between the pre- and postadaptation phases relative to the percent of distance of the distractor from the target) for each subject. Mean and standard error across all subjects are shown on the right. The asterisks below or above the bars represent significance between the pre- and postadaption phase in an individual experiment, the asterisks below a square bracket represent the significance between the adaptation in the adapt-down compared to adapt-up condition.