Clinical Study

Nd:YAG Capsulotomy after Phacoemulsification in Vitrectomized Eyes: Effects of Pars Plana Vitrectomy on Posterior Capsule Opacification

Table 4

Comparison of the mean time interval within the IOL subgroup in cataract surgery with or after vitrectomy and cataract surgery alone.

  Subgroup value
  SiliconeHydrophobic acrylicHydrophilic acrylicPMMA

Mean time interval (M)              
 CV30.7 ± 29.329.1 ± 21.625.8 ± 19.927.1 ± 20.70.838*
 CA36.4 ± 25.335.5 ± 22.122.6 ± 8.732.8 ± 15.90.066*
value0.084**0.028 0.909**0.378**

Note. IOL: intraocular lens; PMMA: polymethyl methacrylate.
*Kruskal-Wallis test.
**Mann-Whitney test.
Independent -test.