Research Article

Inconsistencies Exist in National Estimates of Eye Care Services Utilization in the United States

Table 2

Weighted number and percentage of adults aged 40 and over utilizing eye care services in 11 states in 2008–2010, BRFSS1.

Weighted numberWeighted percent

Eyes examined by any doctor or eye care provider in 12 months210,703,48062.4
Having a dilated eye exam in 12 months37,126,24449.5

States included Alabama, Indiana, Iowa, Connecticut, Missouri, New Mexico, North Carolina, Tennessee, Wyoming, Arkansas, and Georgia. Only the most recent data were used for each state within the study period 2008–10.
2Respondents were asked, “When was the last time you had your eyes examined by any doctor or eye care provider?” Possible responses included “Within the past month,” “Within the past year,” “Within the past 2 years,” “2 or more years ago,” “Never,” “Refused,” and “Don’t know/Not sure.”
3Respondents were asked, “When was the last time you had an eye exam in which the pupils were dilated? This would have made you temporarily sensitive to bright light.” Possible responses included “Within the past month,” “Within the past year,” “Within the past 2 years,” “2 or more years ago,” “Never,” “Refused,” and “Don’t know/Not sure.”