Research Article

Correlative Microscopy of Lamellar Hole-Associated Epiretinal Proliferation

Figure 3

Transmission electron micrographs of lamellar hole-associated epiretinal proliferation (LHEP) with immunonanogold application following gold enhancement preparation procedures. (a) Densely packed cell agglomeration of fibroblasts and hyalocytes situated on a thin strand of vitreous collagen (arrow). (b) Internal limiting membrane (big star) with small vitreous collagen deposits (arrow) and fine cellular processes on the vitreal side. (c, d) Native vitreous collagen (arrow) with GFAP-positive fibroblasts as demonstrated by immunonanogold staining (arrowhead). (e) Small black dots (arrow) represent immunonanogold particles staining collagen type II of vitreous cortex collagen. (f) Negative control specimen with typical dense epiretinal cell proliferation seen as cell agglomeration of fibroblast-like cells. (Original magnification: (a) ×3,000; (b) ×4,400; (c, f) ×7,500; (d) ×18,000; (e) ×55,000).