Clinical Study

Effects of Laser Peripheral Iridotomy in Subgroups of Primary Angle Closure Based on Iris Insertion

Figure 1

Anterior segment parameters determined by anterior segment optical coherence tomography. Abbreviation: ACD: anterior chamber depth, SS: scleral spur, IT750: iris thickness 750 μm from the scleral spur, IA: cross-sectional area of iris, AA: anterior chamber area, IC: iris curvature, LV: lens vault, AOD750: angle opening distance 750 μm anterior to the scleral spur, ARA750,: angle recess area, triangular area formed by the AOD750, TISA750: trabecular-iris space area—trapezoidal area with the following boundaries; anteriorly, the AOD750 and posteriorly, a line drawn from the scleral spur perpendicular to the plane of the inner sclera wall to the opposing iris; superiorly, the inner corneoscleral wall; and inferiorly, the iris surface, PD: pupillary distance.