Research Article

Comparison of Intraocular Pressure before and after Laser In Situ Keratomileusis Refractive Surgery Measured with Perkins Tonometry, Noncontact Tonometry, and Transpalpebral Tonometry

Table 1

Demographic characteristics of the participants in the study.


Number of eyes (patients)57 (57)
Age (years)
(mean (SD))
34.88 (8.86)
Age range (years)22, 53
Gender (male/female)27, 30
Axial length (mm)
(mean (SD))
24.76 (0.88)
Sphere presurgery (D)
(mean (SD))
−2.99 (1.24)
Cylinder presurgery (D)
(mean (SD))
−0.56 (0.40)
91.98 (59.58)


Flat (D)
(mean (SD))
43.44 (1.47)40.92 (1.32)
Steep (D)
(mean (SD))
43.62 (1.42)41.12 (1.54)

Presurgery versus postsurgery. . Student’s paired -test. For details see Section 2.