Research Article

Restoration of the Ellipsoid Zone and Visual Prognosis at 1 Year after Surgical Macular Hole Closure

Table 1

Characteristics of two groups.

Group A 
Group B 
Difference between Groups A and B

Age (years)55–79
65.1 ± 7.6
62.4 ± 4.4

Duration of symptoms (months)1–9
3.10 ± 2.42
2.78 ± 1.20

Preoperative MH diameter (μm)70–516
307.2 ± 155.0
370.4 ± 188.5

Stage 2/3/4 (number of eyes)4/5/12/2/5

MH: macular hole.
Student’s -test.
Difference in the number of stage 4 holes; Fisher’s exact probability test.