Clinical Study

Pupil Dilation with Intracameral Epinephrine Hydrochloride during Phacoemulsification and Intraocular Lens Implantation

Table 3

Intraocular pressure (mmHg) at different time points in the two groups.

Time pointIntracameral groupTopical group value

Before operation13.29 ± 0.7013.82 ± 0.640.580
2 hours after operation16.56 ± 1.2517.64 ± 1.220.540
1 day after operation12.88 ± 1.0413.92 ± 1.140.508
1 week after operation12.84 ± 0.9413.05 ± 0.820.870
1 month after operation12.39 ± 0.9012.19 ± 0.760.867