Clinical Study

Visual Performance after Bilateral Implantation of a Four-Haptic Diffractive Toric Multifocal Intraocular Lens in High Myopes

Table 5

Results of questionnaire at the last visit (14 patients).

ParameterMean ± SDMedianRange

Visual symptoms
 Halo0.82 ± 0.990.500.0, 3.0
 Night glare0.61 ± 0.900.000.0, 2.5
 Starbursts0.43 ± 0.760.000.0, 2.0
Vision rating
 Distance4.64 ± 0.364.504.0, 5.0
 Intermediate3.57 ± 1.344.000.5, 5.0
 Near4.46 ± 0.504.503.5, 5.0
Satisfaction4.39 ± 0.534.253.5, 5.0
Number of patients (%) who regretted undergoing the surgery0 (0)
Number of patients (%) who would recommend the surgery to their friends or relatives13 (93)
Number of patients (%) who did not use spectacles for
 Distance tasks14 (100)
 Intermediate tasks12 (86)
 Near tasks11 (79)
 Any distances10 (71)

Level of visual symptoms (0, none; 1, very mild; 2, mild; 3, moderate; 4, severe; 5, very severe).
Vision rating (1, very blurry; 2, blurry; 3, fair; 4, clear; 5, very clear).
Level of satisfaction (1, very dissatisfied; 2, dissatisfied; 3, neutral; 4, satisfied; 5, very satisfied).