Clinical Study

Novel Technique of Transepithelial Corneal Cross-Linking Using Iontophoresis in Progressive Keratoconus

Figure 1

(A) Slit-lamp photograph of the cornea 1 minute after the applanation with the Biopore membrane. (B) The corneal epithelium showed moderate punctate staining with fluorescein dye (molecular weight: 376 Da). (C) Homogeneous immunofluorescent staining for MUC4 mucin (false color red) was found on Biopore membranes where the cornea was applanated. (D) A small number of scattered epithelial cells (false color blue) were observed on the membranes. In (C) and (D), scale bars are 100 μm. (E) Iontophoresis was performed with the current intensity set at 1.0 mA for 5 minutes using a commercial device. (F) After iontophoresis, the cornea was irradiated using 10 mW/cm2 UV-A device for 9 minutes. The arrow indicates the mark of the suction tube on the corneal epithelium. Strong fluorescence was emitted by stromal riboflavin inside the area of iontophoresis delivery.