Clinical Study

Serous Retinal Detachment Associated with Dome-Shaped Macula and Staphyloma Edge in Myopic Patients before and after Treatment with Spironolactone

Figure 1

Dome-shaped macula with serous retinal detachment before and after treatment with spironolactone. (a) Color photo showing peripapillary atrophy, marked retinal thinning with visible choroidal vessel, but no hemorrhage in the foveal area. (b) B-scan ultrasound showing an abnormal ocular wall in the posterior fundus. (c) Pretreatment OCT macular map showing increased CRT. (d) Pretreatment OCT image showing serous retinal detachment in the foveal area with no other alterations. (e) Posttreatment OCT macular map showing improved CRT. (f) Posttreatment OCT image showing resolution of the serous retinal detachment in the foveal area with an abnormal ellipsoid line.