Clinical Study

Comparison between Limbal and Pars Plana Approaches Using Microincision Vitrectomy for Removal of Congenital Cataracts with Primary Intraocular Lens Implantation

Table 2

Visual outcomes.

Limbal ()Pars plana () value

 Preoperative1.15 (0.52–3.00)1.17 (0.40–3.00)0.904
 Last follow-up visit0.32 (0.00–1.30)0.35 (0.00–1.30)0.642
Refractive errors, (D)
 1 week postoperative+1.75 (0.00–+3.00)+2.18 (+0.50–+6.50)0.171
 Last follow-up visit+0.71 (−2.00–+3.00)−0.15 (−2.00–+2.75)0.001

BCVA = best-corrected visual acuity; logMAR = logarithm of the minimal angle of resolution.
= statistically significant.