Research Article

Clinical Features and Visual Outcomes of Optic Neuritis in Chinese Children

Table 1

Demographic and clinical characteristics of Chinese children with optic neuritis.

FeaturesTotalPercent (%)

Number of patients 76100%
Age at onset, year
 Mean11.80 ± 3.87
 Unilateral attack3951.3
 Bilateral attack3748.7
Pupillary function test76
 RAPD positive in unilateral39100
 RAPD positive in bilateral 1848.65
AQP-4 IgG status47
Orbit MRI42
 Abnormal (T2 lesions) 3583.33
 Normal 716.67
 Optic disc edema2228.9
Colour vision test55
 Vision too poor to test1120
Presenting VA76
 20/40 ≤ VA < 20/2056.6
 20/200 ≤ VA < 20/403444.7
 CF ≤ VA < 20/20067.9
 NLP ≤ VA < CF3140.8
 IV methylprednisolone76100

RAPD, relative afferent papillary defect; AQP-4 IgG, anti-aquaporin-4 antibody IgG; ION, isolated optic neuritis; ADEM, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis; MS, multiple sclerosis; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus; IV, intravenous; VA, best corrected visual acuity; CF, count finger; and NLP, no light perception.
Only one eye of each patient was included in the statistical analyses.