Clinical Study

Combination of Navigated Macular Laser Photocoagulation and Anti-VEGF Therapy: Precise Treatment for Macular Edema under Dry Retinal Conditions

Figure 2

MLP planning based on OCT and RM-SLO. (a) OCT retinal thickness map demonstrates a thickened region (black dashed line) spreading outside the map boundary (white dashed line). (b) OCT map is superimposed onto the baseline image. (c) In OCT-guided planning for macular laser photocoagulation, the number of laser spot marks was 156. (d) RM-SLO image demonstrates a region of retinal edema with numerous microcysts. (e) RM-SLO image is superimposed onto the baseline image. (f) In RM-SLO-guided planning for macular laser photocoagulation, the number of laser spot marks was higher than in OCT-guided planning (259 versus 156).