Research Article

Analysis of Peripapillary Retinal Vessel Diameter in Unilateral Normal-Tension Glaucoma

Table 2

Univariate linear regression analysis showing the associations between retinal nerve fiber layer thickness and other variables in glaucomatous eyes, fellow eyes, and control eyes.

Unilateral NTGUnilateral NTGControl eyes
Affected eyesFellow eyes
Regression coefficient valueRegression coefficient valueRegression coefficient value

Age (years)−0.0660.699−0.0570.738−0.1430.380
IOP (mmHg)0.1740.3030.0570.737−0.1480.362
Spherical equivalent (diopter)0.1120.5070.0380.8210.0930.569
CRAE (μm)−0.050.7700.1970.2420.2160.181
CRVE (μm)−0.0060.972−0.0610.7210.2600.105

NTG: normal-tension glaucoma; IOP: intraocular pressure; MD: mean deviation; PSD: pattern standard deviation; CRAE: central retinal arteriole equivalent; CRVE: central retinal venule equivalent.