Research Article

Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography to Distinguish Changes of Choroidal Neovascularization after Anti-VEGF Therapy: Monthly Loading Dose versus Pro Re Nata Regimen

Table 1

Comparison of categorical variables between baseline and month 3 in groups A (treatment-naive patients undergoing monthly loading phase) and B (treated patients undergoing PRN regimen). Note that there is no statistically significant morphological change between baseline and month 3 (computed value) in either group.

Categorical variablesM0M1M2M3Significance

Group A
High-flow network13131313
Feeder vessel3313
Anastomotic arcade1101
Dark halo4424
Flow void1111
Arteriolized vessels1123

Group B
High-flow network12121111
Feeder vessel4444
Anastomotic arcade4222
Dark halo8985
Flow void2103
Arteriolized vessels3446

Exact McNemar significance probability; value computed between baseline and month 3.