Research Article

Comparison of Visual Outcome and Morphologic Change between Different Surgical Techniques in Idiopathic Epiretinal Membrane Surgery

Figure 4

Temporal change of BCVA by line after surgery. At 1 month, the mean line improvement increased more rapidly in group I and group III than in group II. However, 6 months and thereafter, the postoperative line improvement and BCVA were similar and became stable in all three groups. The table below the graph shows the absolute value of the mean logMAR BCVA for each follow-up visit (Group I: ERM removal without ILM peeling; Group II: ERM removal and whole-piece ILM peeling; Group III: ERM removal with maculorrhexis ILM peeling; indicates compared between group I and group II at each follow-up visit; † indicates compared between group II and group III at each follow-up visit).