Research Article

Manifestation of Clinical Categories of Ocular Graft-versus-Host Disease

Table 1

Demographics and transplant characteristic by patient groups.

Acute GVHDChronic GVHD
(, eyes = 42)(, eyes = 254)

Age (yrs.), mean ± SD29 ± 1228 ± 11
(independent sample T-test)0.704

 Male13 (61.9%)79 (62.2%)
 Female8 (38.1%)48 (37.8%)
(chi-square test)0.979

Primary disease
 Acute lymphoid leukemia2 (9.5%)38 (29.9%)
 Acute myeloid leukemia9 (42.9%)48 (37.8%)
 Myelodysplastic syndrome6 (28.6%)31 (24.4%)
 Chronic myeloid leukemia1 (4.8%)5 (3.9%)
 Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma0 (0.0%)3 (2.4%)
 Hodgkin’s lymphoma1 (4.8%)0 (0.0%)
 Aplastic anemia2 (9.5%)2 (1.6%)

Donor-recipient gender disparity
 Female donor to male recipient8 (38.1%)36 (28.3%)
 Male donor to female recipient4 (19.0%)33 (26.0%)

Essential time points
 Interval from transplant to initial ocular symptoms (months), mean ± SD8.0 ± 5.010.7 ± 9.1
   (Mann–Whitney U test)0.091
 Interval between initial symptoms and first visit (months), mean ± SD0.6 ± 0.79.9 ± 14.1
   (Mann–Whitney U test)<0.001
 Interval between transplant and first visit (months), mean ± SD8.6 ± 5.420.4 ± 17.7
   (Mann–Whitney U test)<0.001

GVHD = graft-versus-host disease.