Research Article

Prevalence, Causes, and Factors Associated with Visual Impairment and Blindness among Registered Pensioners in Ghana

Table 3

Age and sex specific prevalence of blindness and visual impairment among pensioners in Ghana.

Sex stratified by ageMild or no visual impairmentModerate to severe visual impairmentBlindness
n (%)95% CIn (%)95% CIn (%)95% CI

Males stratified by age in years
 <65758 (81.5)79.0–84.0146 (15.7)13.4–18.026 (2.8)1.7–3.9
 65–69807 (78.6)76.0–81.1191 (18.6)16.2–21.029 (2.8)1.8–3.8
 70–74407 (66.3)62.5–70.0174 (28.3)24.8–31.933 (5.4)3.6–7.2
 75–79156 (54.7)48.9–60.599 (34.7)29.2–40.330 (10.5)7.0–14.1
 ≥8059 (50.0)40.9–59.146 (40.0)30.1–47.813 (11.0)5.3–16.7
Females stratified by age in years
 <65565 (84.5)81.7–87.297 (14.5)11.8–17.27 (1.1)0.3–1.8
 65–69345 (77.4)73.4–81.291 (20.4)16.7–24.210 (2.2)0.9–3.6
 70–74100 (65.4)57.8–72.944 (28.8)21.6–36.09 (5.9)2.1–9.6
 75–7926 (55.3)40.9–69.719 (40.4)26.2–54.62 (4.3)1.6–10.1
 ≥804 (30.7)4.6–56.96 (46.2)17.9–74.43 (23.1)0.7–46.9