Research Article

Clinicopathological Review of 547 Bulbar Enucleations in Hungary (2006–2017)

Table 1

Primary enucleation indications of enucleated eyes (n = 259), in decreasing order, with suspected clinical diagnosis of tumour (uveal melanoma, retinoblastoma, other tumours, and false clinical suspicion of intraocular tumour) and histopathological diagnosis of the removed eyes with “other tumours.”

Primary enucleation indicationsn%

Uveal melanoma20077.2
Other tumours166.2
 Basal-cell carcinoma41.5
 Ocular metastasis31.2
 Optic nerve glioma20.8
 Orbital adenoid cystic carcinoma20.8
 Ocular surface squamous neoplasia20.8
 Ocular lymphoma10.4
 Ocular multiple myeloma10.4
 Choroidal cavernous haemangioma10.4
False clinical suspicion of intraocular tumour72.7