Clinical Study

Prospective Cohort Study on Refractive Changes after Trabeculectomy

Table 1

Patient characteristics.

CharacteristicsTotal (n = 97)

Age, mean (SD) (years)69.2 (13.1)
Gender, n (%)
 Men46 (47)
 Women51 (53)
Type of glaucoma, n (%)
 Primary open angle glaucoma49 (51)
 Exfoliation glaucoma42 (43)
 Uveitic glaucoma6 (6)
Preoperative IOP, mean (SD) (mmHg)26.7 (9.6)
Number of preoperative glaucoma medications, mean (SD)3.2 (1.0)
Postoperative IOP, mean (SD) (mmHg)13.4 (3.7)
Number of postoperative glaucoma medications, mean (SD)0.6 (1.3)
Conjunctival incision, n (%)
 Fornix-based61 (63)
 Limbus-based36 (37)
Lens status, n (%)
 Phakic61 (63)
 Pseudophakic36 (37)
Anterior chamber opening duration, mean (SD) (min)5.0 (1.6)
Axial length, mean (SD) (mm)24.4 (2.2)

IOP, intraocular pressure; SD, standard deviation.