Research Article

Relationship between Neovascular Density in Swept Source-Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography and Signs of Activity in Exudative Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Table 1

Presence of swept source-optical coherence tomography angiography-based morphological choroidal neovascularization characteristics in relation to clinical activity.

Active nAMD n (%)Quiescent nAMD n (%)Total n (%) value

Branching capillariesPresent37 (79)10 (21)47 (66)0.45
Absent17 (71)7 (29)24 (34)
Total n (%)54 (76)17 (24)71 (100)

AnastomosesPresent38 (83)8 (17)46 (70)0.09
Absent16 (64)9 (36)25 (30)
Total n (%)54 (76)17 (24)71 (100)

Peripheral arcadesPresent32 (84)6 (16)38 (55)0.12
Absent21 (68)10 (32)31 (45)
Total n (%)53 (77)16 (23)69 (100)

Well-defined vesselsPresent25 (81)6 (19)31 (44)0.46
Absent29 (73)11 (27)40 (56)
Total n (%)54 (76)17 (24)71 (100)

Nonvascularized halosPresent19 (83)4 (17)23 (32)0.42
Absent35 (73)11 (27)46 (68)
Total n (%)54 (78)15 (22)69 (100)

nAMD = neovascular age-related macular degeneration.