Research Article

Simultaneous Changes in Astigmatism with Noncycloplegia Refraction and Ocular Biometry in Chinese Primary Schoolchildren

Table 4

Baseline ocular biometry percentages associated with refractive status of non-CSA children.

VariablesHyperopes (≥+0.5 D)Emmetropes (−0.5 D to +0.5 D)Myopes (≤−0.5 D) valuea

AL (mm)
 <22.53 (25th percentile)804416625.43712.4<0.001
 >23.58 (75th percentile)137.112519.214347.8

AL/CRC ratio
 <2.89 (25th percentile)6937.913420.53010<0.001
 >2.99 (75th percentile)105.510215.615752.5


AL, axial length; CRC, corneal radius of curvature; D, diopters. aDetermined using Pearson χ2 test.