Research Article

Comparison of Solar Radiation and Myopia Occurrence in South Korean Children

Table 3

Multiple logistic regression analysis to assess the associations of different variables with myopia prevalence.

Socioeconomic factorTotal (n = 1218)
Odds ratio (95% CI) value

Annual solar radiation
 Age2.065 (1.751–2.437)<0.001
 Sex (female vs. male)0.986 (0.763–1.275)0.917
 Income level (high vs. low)1.256 (0.960–1.644)0.096
 Sunlight factor
  Solar radiation (100 MJ/m2 increase)0.933 (0.886–0.982)0.008

Annual sunshine duration
 Age2.060 (1.747–2.429)<0.001
 Sex (female vs. male)0.985 (0.763–1273)0.910
 Income level (high vs low)1.245 (0.952–1.629)0.110
 Sunlight factor
  Sunshine duration (100 h increase)0.887 (0.782–1.007)0.064

CI, confidence interval.