Research Article

Assessment of the Association between In Vivo Corneal Morphogeometrical Changes and Keratoconus Eyes with Severe Visual Limitation

Table 1

Patient-specific morpho-biometric indices analysed in the study [19].

Morpho-biometric parametersDescription

Total corneal volume (Voltot) (mm3)Volume limited by front, back, and peripheral surfaces of the solid model generated

Anterior/posterior corneal surface area (Corareaant/Corareapos) (mm2)Area of the front/exterior and rear/interior surfaces

Total corneal surface area (Corareatot) (mm2)Sum of anterior, posterior, and perimeter corneal surface areas of the solid model generated

Sagittal plane apex area (Splareapapex) (mm2)Area of the cornea within the sagittal plane passing through the optical axis and the highest point (apex) of the posterior corneal surface

Anterior and posterior apex deviation (Devaapex/Devpapex) (mm)Average distance from the optical axis to the highest point (apex) of the anterior/posterior corneal surfaces

Sagittal plane area in minimum thickness point (Splareaminthk) (mm2)Area of the cornea within the sagittal plane passing through the optical axis and the minimum thickness point (maximum curvature) of the posterior corneal surface

Anterior and posterior minimum thickness point deviation (Devaminthk/Devpminthk) (mm)Average distance in the XY plane from the optical axis to the minimum thickness points (maximum curvature) of the anterior/posterior corneal surfaces

Centre of mass X, Y, Z (COMX, COMY, COMZ) (mm)Centre of mass coordinates X, Y, Z of the solid