Clinical Study

Comparing the Effect of Monofocal and Multifocal Intraocular Lenses on Macular Surgery

Table 3

The mean refractive error, IOL decentration, and macular surgery of the groups.

Monofocal IOL (group 1)Multifocal IOL (group 2)
Mean ± SD/(n − %)MedianMean ± SD/(n − %)Median

Spherical refraction error (D)0.56 ± 0.260.500.52 ± 0.270.500.628 m
IOL decentration (mm)1.07 ± ± m
Macular surgery time (sec)191.5 ± 71.5158.0305.3 ± 157.3292.00.013 m

m: Mann−WhitneyU-test; X2: chi-square test; w: Wilcoxon test; D: diopter; mm: millimeter; sec: second; BCVA: best corrected visual acuity.