Research Article

Ocular Surface Disease Index and Ocular Thermography in Keratoconus Patients

Table 4

Spearman correlation of vision- and discomfort-related Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) subscores with surface characteristics at the corneal centre in different stages of keratoconus (KC) and controls.


KC4–VR OSDI−0.29−0.08−0.18
KC3–VR OSDI−0.12−0.05−0.007
KC2–VR OSDI−0.070.26 0.03
KC1–VR OSDI0.330.020.35
Control–VR OSDI0.22 0.32 −0.07
KC4–DR OSDI−0.180.24−0.09
KC3–DR OSDI−0.27−0.19−0.04
KC1–DR OSDI0.270.180.45
Control–DR OSDI0.26 0.25 −0.01

VR, vision-related; DR, discomfort-related; SAI, surface asymmetry index; SRI, surface regularity index; OST, ocular surface temperature. r values are given, with values shown in the case of significance.